..Zhaira Si Sepet..
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Wednesday 30 November 2011 • 07:16 • 0 comments

Hey peeps.Sorry to say but i have change my blog URL. please leave your link in the shoutbox. I will visit and give you my latest URL. Thats all. Thank you and sorry again. 


Hi *wave hand* I'm Basirah also known as Zhaira. Welcome to my online diary. All content in this site is mine. Please get permission before taking anything. Hate copycat and rude person. so, please be nice here. Don't forget to follow.^^,
Shout !


Sejarah mungkin berulang~~ cewah jiwang karat aku-.-

Big Clap!
Template :Elmo M.Zhaira
Tutorial : Afiqah Wana Atiqah
Pictures : We Heart It
Best View : Google Chrome